Third Grade
Click on the teacher's picture to access her website.

Katie Little - Gateway
Katie Little graduated with a Bachelors Degree in French from Loyola University in 1996. She earned her Masters of Education in 2003 from Northwestern State University. Katie has been teaching since 2002 with experience in Math Resource, as well as Science and Social Studies. She taught 3rd grade at South Highlands several years ago before staying home with her children, Evelyn and Will. Katie loves fostering an enjoyment of reading in her 3rd Grade Gateway class. In her spare time, she and her husband Don adore watching their children score goals in soccer and also traveling to faraway places!

Allison Sample - Math
Allison Sample graduated from Louisiana State University in Shreveport. She has been teaching over 22 years. She has taught third grade math for 13 years, fifth grade math for 5 years, fourth grade for 3 years and 1 year preschool gateway. For the last 9 years, Allison has taught third grade. She was named Teacher of the Year in 2010. Allison is super excited to be a South Highland Magnet Tiger. She loves spending time with her husband, Brian, two daughters, Penny and Brianna, and her grandson, Connor.
Allison Sample graduated from Louisiana State University in Shreveport. She has been teaching over 22 years. She has taught third grade math for 13 years, fifth grade math for 5 years, fourth grade for 3 years and 1 year preschool gateway. For the last 9 years, Allison has taught third grade. She was named Teacher of the Year in 2010. Allison is super excited to be a South Highland Magnet Tiger. She loves spending time with her husband, Brian, two daughters, Penny and Brianna, and her grandson, Connor.

Faye Yates - ELA
Faye Yates returned to South Highlands after teaching for eleven years in Tampa, Florida. She previously taught kindergarten for South Highlands. While in Florida, she taught first grade for two years and then moved to fourth grade for two years. In fourth grade she and two other teachers successfully implemented the first laptop program in an elementary school. After four years in the classroom, she was asked to head the elementary library at Berkeley Preparatory School. Mrs. Yates received her education at the University of Arizona in Tuscon, Arizona and masters in reading and literacy education from LSUS and the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida
Faye Yates returned to South Highlands after teaching for eleven years in Tampa, Florida. She previously taught kindergarten for South Highlands. While in Florida, she taught first grade for two years and then moved to fourth grade for two years. In fourth grade she and two other teachers successfully implemented the first laptop program in an elementary school. After four years in the classroom, she was asked to head the elementary library at Berkeley Preparatory School. Mrs. Yates received her education at the University of Arizona in Tuscon, Arizona and masters in reading and literacy education from LSUS and the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida

Gaye Snyder - Science & Social Studies
Gaye Snyder has over 20 years experience in teaching third and fourth grade. She graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education from the Louisiana State University in Shreveport in 1995. Gaye has been teaching since receiving that degree in 1995 and has taught in both public and private schools in Caddo Parish. She is certified to teach grades Kindergarten through 8th grade, but has concentrated her teaching in third and fourth grade. While receiving her degree she was inducted into the Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society and after receiving her degree she was asked to represent the Diocese of Shreveport in the Sallie Mae First Class Teacher Award. She has been a member of the Louisiana Association of Teachers of Mathematics, and the International Reading Association. Gaye moved to South Highlands Elementary Magnet School in 2006 and presently teaches third grade. She enjoys being actively involved with the students she teaches after school as well as during the day. She has served as a Quiz Bowl Chairman, pep squad leader, spring musical committee chair and both a Girl Scout and Boy Scout troop leader. She was recognized as a valued volunteer by Caddo Parish Schools. Throughout her career she has also been a member
of the principal's advisory group, a peer review team member for SAC accreditation, and served as a member of the school disciplinary committee. Gaye is the mother of 3 children and the grandmother of seven.
Gaye Snyder has over 20 years experience in teaching third and fourth grade. She graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education from the Louisiana State University in Shreveport in 1995. Gaye has been teaching since receiving that degree in 1995 and has taught in both public and private schools in Caddo Parish. She is certified to teach grades Kindergarten through 8th grade, but has concentrated her teaching in third and fourth grade. While receiving her degree she was inducted into the Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society and after receiving her degree she was asked to represent the Diocese of Shreveport in the Sallie Mae First Class Teacher Award. She has been a member of the Louisiana Association of Teachers of Mathematics, and the International Reading Association. Gaye moved to South Highlands Elementary Magnet School in 2006 and presently teaches third grade. She enjoys being actively involved with the students she teaches after school as well as during the day. She has served as a Quiz Bowl Chairman, pep squad leader, spring musical committee chair and both a Girl Scout and Boy Scout troop leader. She was recognized as a valued volunteer by Caddo Parish Schools. Throughout her career she has also been a member
of the principal's advisory group, a peer review team member for SAC accreditation, and served as a member of the school disciplinary committee. Gaye is the mother of 3 children and the grandmother of seven.