You Are Invited to Join the South Highlands Foundation, Inc.
Ensuring the Support of Academic Excellence
A group of concerned parents began the South Highlands Foundation, Inc. in 2003 to ensure funding for the needs of students and teachers. Through the generous donations of parents and friends of the school, over $225,000.00 has been raised to impact student achievement. Items purchased include:
- Computers
- Smartboards
- Accelerated Math and Accelerated Reader Programs
- Books for Classroom Libraries
- Classroom Projectors
- Physical Education Equipment
- Digital Cameras
- Singapore Math Program
The South Highlands Foundation is seeking members to continue the tradition of support at South Highlands Elementary Magnet School. Your tax-deductible donation will allow each donor to have a voice in determining how funds will be allocated. Detailed accounting information is available to all members of the Foundation.
2017- 2018 SHM Foundation Board Members