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By clicking one of the links on the right, you will be able to access important information about South Highlands organizations, have a look at the Friday Sheet, and view and/or download select documents & forms.
South Highlands Spirit StoreSouth Highlands now has an on-line spirit store. You can order polos, denim shirts, hooded sweatshirts, caps, backpacks, totes, and other items and have them delivered directly to you home. A portion of the sales comes back to South Highlands. This is a great way to not only share your South Highlands Spirit but also to support our school.
South Highlands Spirit Store can be reached by clicking here New Grading Scale for the 2011-2012 School YearAt a recent BESE meeting, BESE approved a Uniform Grading Scale Policy for the entire state. The policy is effective for the 2011-2012 school year for grades K - 12. The grading scale is a seven point scale as noted below:
100 - 93 A 92 - 85 B 84 - 75 C 74 - 67 D 66 - 0 F |